
Gaisce – The President’s Award Affiliate

We here at Follow the Camino are Aroud to Offer your Camino Trip to Qualify for your Gold GAISCE Award

Gaisce or The President’s Award is an award in Ireland, earned by young people between the ages of 15 and 25. In order to get the award they must undertake a number of set activities and personal challenges. One of the official challenges now recognised as contributing to your Gaisce award is a tour on the Camino de Santiago booked with us. This can be achieved by contacting us to request our GAISCE specific package.

The term “gaisce” is from the Irish/Gaelic language that translates as “achievement”. The award was established under the patronage of the President of Ireland on 28 March 1985.

Every participant has the support of a “PAL” (President’s Award Leader). It is a personal challenge, the only person you compete with is yourself. The PAL guides you through the challenges and sets appropriate activities.

Gaisce’s mission is to contribute to the development of all young people through the achievement of personal challenges. There are 5 headings under which each level of award must be completed and the length of time gets progressively long depending on the standard of the award being achieved. Our famous last 100kms qualifies you for both your Silver and Gold Gaisce Award Adventure Challenge, so long as you adhere to the below:

*Providing you carry your own luggage, help us with the planning of your trip and cook daily for yourself.
We can also assist in placing you in a group of your peers who are taking on the same challenge.*

There are three levels of awards: bronze, silver and gold.

Bronze Award
Community Involvement – 13 weeks
Personal Skill – 13 weeks
Physical Recreation – 13 weeks
Additional activity in any section of your choice from the three above – 13 weeks
Adventure Journey/Research – Plan prepare and undertake a 2-day, 1 night adventure journey in a group covering a minimum total distance of: Walking 25–35 km or Cycling 100–130 km over two consecutive days.

Silver Award
Community Involvement – 26 weeks
Personal Skill – 26 weeks
Physical Recreation – 26 weeks
Additional activity in any section of your choice from the three above – 26 weeks (not required if the participant has received the Bronze award)
Adventure Journey/Research – Plan prepare and undertake a 3-day, 2 night adventure journey in a group covering a minimum total distance of: Walking 50–79 km or Cycling 190–220 km over 3 consecutive days.

Gold Award
Community Involvement – 52 weeks
Personal Skill – 52 weeks
Physical Recreation – 52 weeks
Additional activity in any section of your choice from the three above – 26 weeks (not required if the participant has received the Silver award)
Adventure Journey/Research – Plan prepare and undertake a 4-day, 3 night adventure journey in a group covering a minimum total distance of: Walking 80–110 km or Cycling 300–350 km over 4 consecutive days.

You can contact one of our Camino consultants today to explain how to use our Gaisce Camino package to help you gain your Silver and Gold Gaisce Award. 


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