Located in the western–most part of Galicia is Finisterre. Overlooking the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocen, it is easy to see why this was once considered the end of the world. The Camino Finisterre route is the ultimate way to experience this feeling of a total end to your pilgrimage experience.
Pilgrims of the past have been known to throw their shoes into the sea here to symbolise their new beginning after finishing their pilgrimage. This makes a journey to walk the Camino here all the more special.
The Camino Finisterre can include both the towns of Fisterra in Finisterre and Muxía. These towns both have a rich history and beautiful legends. The Sanctuary of Nosa Senora da Barca outside Muxía, for example, is believed to be the vestiges of the stone boat that the Virgin Mary sailed on to visit St James and encourage him on his preaching.