
Funds raised from Camino events donated to High Hopes Choir

Camino events check to High Hopes Choir

We are delighted to announce that the total sum of money raised from the 2019 Camino events was €1,178. All money is being donated to the High Hopes Choir.

Camino Events

We continue our commitment to supporting great causes through the Camino events that we organise every year. One of the biggest fundraising events organised by the company is the Camino Training walks.

St James Day Camino training Follow the Camino banner

On the Camino Training events, our Camino experts help people interested in walking the Camino de Santiago to train for their pilgrimage. In order to join the training participants pay a small amount which goes directly to the charity of the year.

In 2019, the funds raised from the Camino walks was donated to the organisation for a social change High Hopes Choir.

High Hopes Choir

The High Hopes Choir is an independent organisation set up by former conductor of the RTE Orchestra, David Brophy. It is aimed at improving the lives of people affected by homelessness through music.

If someone didn’t turn up for a rehearsal we went looking for them. For the first time ever, there was an order to my life, a purpose, a sense of belonging to something, an awareness of other people’s needs.

Interview by The Gloss “How The High Hopes Choir Changed My Life”

The High Hopes Choir is supported by the staff, volunteers and customers of a wide range of homeless organisations including Focus Ireland, Dublin Simon Community, St. Vincent de Paul and Penny Dinners.

It is an honour for us here at Follow the Camino to contribute to this great cause.

Thank you for the inspiring work you do, High Hopes! We look forward to continuing to support you and other wonderful community projects and charities around Ireland.

If you would like to run a Camino fundraiser for charity – get in touch with us! We would love to help you meet your fundraising goals and build awareness for your cause.


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