Starting in the mountain-hugging town of Ponferrada and finishing in Sarria, a bustling market town, this Camino crosses the magnificent O Cebreiro Mountains before winding down to a more gentle terrain. O’Cebreiro is a megalithic village with round stone houses, with an amazing church, Santa Maria Real, where you can find the most important religious remains of Galicia (the miracle of Santo Milagro with a Chalice and Paten turning into the body and blood of Jesus Christ). The Chalice and Paten are the symbols of Galicia. The remains of Don Elias Valina Sampredo, the father of the modern Camino and ‘inventor’ of the yellow arrow, are also in the Church.
This section is one of the hilliest with one of the steepest climbs so bear this in mind when setting out each day and also check the weather.