
How Deirdre Fitzgerald Overcame a Life-Changing Diagnosis to Walk the Camino

Cross by the sea along the Camino Portugues Coastal route

People have all sorts of reasons to walk the Camino de Santiago. Some walk for spiritual awakening, others walk for the challenge. But no matter the motivation, all travellers on this pilgrimage route embark on a Camino journey to mark a turning point in their personal life.

We spoke to a recent Follow the Camino client, Deirdre Fitzgerald, who overcame a life-changing cancer diagnosis and rounds of treatment to still walk the Camino Portugues Coastal with her husband, John. It was a trip of a lifetime after the battles she fought, and we’re sharing her story, in her words, on her reasons to walk the Camino along her road to recovery.

Deirdre Fitzgerald, a client, and her husband outside the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela after walking the Camino

Hi Deirdre! First question: What role has walking played in your life?

I have been walking in the Dublin and Wicklow hills since I was a child. I have fond memories of my father bringing his six children on Sunday walks, and getting us to appreciate nature.

Indeed, after my siblings and I had flown the nest, we would always regroup on the weekend before Christmas in a hotel or guesthouse in Laragh or Glenmalure for a weekend of hiking in the mountains. Later, in my 40s and 50s, my sisters and I went on an annual hiking holiday to places such as Mont Blanc, the Sierra Nevada, Julian Alps, and even the Annapurna Circuit in Tibet. Nowadays, I am a member of a group that hikes every Thursday.

What inspired you to walk the Camino de Santiago?

I hiked the French Way more than 25 years ago with my sister and her husband. It was a ‘DIY’ trip of 500km in which we carried all our belongings and stayed in albergues along the way. I always wanted to do another Camino, but next time with the support of a Camino tour operator!

You were diagnosed with breast cancer around the time your Camino trip was confirmed. What made you decide to walk anyway?

I had a mastectomy just eight weeks before the start date of our Camino walk, and I was effectively house-bound for seven days after this major surgery. Therefore, I had the minimum time to recover, apart from any training and preparation.

Going ahead with the Camino was the goal that I needed to help me persevere with the daily grind of physio and other rehab necessary for my recovery. In essence, I wanted to proceed with the Camino for my own wellbeing and peace of mind, provided that I could get medical clearance from my consultant, and provided that Follow the Camino could keep my options open until I had obtained that clearance.

Ultimately, my consultant allowed me to proceed provided that I didn’t carry a rucksack. Follow the Camino was most accommodating, and I want to particularly acknowledge the sympathetic support of Clara Rivas with whom I had considerable interaction during that difficult time.

Hiking Techniques – 5 Top Tips for a Successful Camino

Did the community of pilgrims from all walks of life help you process the news of your diagnosis?

Prior to the Camino, my focus was recovery and building stamina, including increasing my walking distances as the weeks progressed. Walking and talking with pilgrims of all ages and from all over the world and from different walks of life was a great antidote and distraction from my personal health issues. I loved the conversations in the cafes and along the Camino route as we walked every day.

I also appreciated the quiet times to reflect upon and process my diagnosis, and to enjoy the natural beauty of my surroundings. There is a lot of history and cultural sights to take in along the Camino, and it definitely helped to balance the time I spent self-reflecting.

Why do you think the Camino attracts high numbers of people facing a crossroads in their life?

Just like me, other pilgrims view the Camino as a time of reflection and a turning point between a previous trauma. The route is a way to leave the past behind and move on which, in my case, was a return to my previous full, energetic, and (hopefully) healthy life.

Bridge across the water on the Camino Portugues Coastal

How did you plan your Camino? What difficulties did you have organizing the trip before working with Follow the Camino?

I investigated two other Camino tour operators before settling on Follow the Camino. I chose them because I was impressed with the details provided on each of their Camino routes, the accuracy of the daily distances compared with other operators, and the quality of the accommodation. I was also impressed by the personal service I received over the phone, particularly Carla’s intimate knowledge of the Camino Portugues, and helping us to decide whether to take the coastal or inland route.

What did you know about the Camino before you went on it? And what surprised you / challenged your expectations?

I only had anecdotal information on the Portuguese Way. I was delighted that we ultimately chose the Coastal variant of the main route. I have great memories of walking through forests whilst hearing unseen waves breaking at the nearby shore. I hadn’t anticipated the extent of the camaraderie with my fellow pilgrims along the trail, which continued into the evenings in the restaurants, bars, and hotels we all stopped in.

What made the Camino such a unique travel experience?

What made the Camino was the people on the Camino – a wide group of people with a variety of life experiences but united by the common goal of reaching Santiago de Compostela.

Shoes frame of pilgrim walking

What advice would you give to people looking to walk the Camino themselves?

Build up your walking distances before going, and use the boots or shoes that you will be using on the Camino when you are doing these walks. And take your Compeed plasters just in case! It was my experience that runners were the most suitable footwear for most days particularly because of the heat, but boots were definitely required instead on rainy days.

Interested in walking this hallowed pilgrimage yourself, whatever your reasons for walking the Camino? Our team of expert planners can help you build an itinerary tailored to your pace and needs, with flexibility for shorter days and rest days! Find out more by talking to our team for just 5 minutes.

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